
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Unraveled, Week 39/2023

Good morning and happy Wednesday, friends! I'm still dragging a bit this morning -- I had the hardest time falling asleep Monday night (even a single cup of coffee at break fast is apparently enough to keep me up), and then last night I kept waking up coughing. But coffee has been drunk and I'm ready to check in with Kat and the Unravelers!

Today I've got another finished skein of handspun -- yes, friends, the pace is continuing!

Please forgive the quality of the photo; the sun is hiding here today. This was the second of two Southern Cross Fibre prize colorways from last year's Tour de Fleece. This one, called Racing Red, was a luscious blend of 50% Bond wool, 25% Suri alpaca, and 25% mulberry silk. As with the last skein, I split the fiber vertically into four strips to break up the colors, spun all the strips end to end, wound the singles into a center-pull ball, and and plied from both ends. I'd call the finished yarn a heavy lace weight to light fingering weight. It's approximately 522 yards, so that gives you an idea of the grist!

For those of you keeping track, this is the 27th bag of SCF fiber I've spun this year, and I now have just one more 2022 shipment left unspun. That one will be the next to go on the wheel.

When I haven't been spinning, I've been working on my Woolens and Nosh socks. The first one is ready for a toe!

Reading has been rather slow this past week, I think due to a combination of being busy at work, the holiday, and still getting over being sick. I finished just one book.

I listened to How Much of These Hills Is Gold over the course of several days. I'd first heard about it maybe a year ago, but it came to my attention again recently when it was mentioned on the What Should I Read Next podcast (in part because the author just released a new book this week). This is the story of two Chinese American siblings struggling to survive in the West in the time following the California gold rush after their parents are both gone. I thought it was well written but also heartbreaking, and in the end the harshness of their lives in spite of all their efforts kept me from really loving it. I gave it 3 stars.

I'm still reading The Bee Sting and have only about 160 pages left, so I'm hoping to finish it this week.

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. Once again I am reminded how good it is to have sitting hobbies 😉. I am still knitting sleeves which are getting very boring but determined to finish. Listening to podcasts since my reading mojo is still wobbly but we will all get there. Take care.

  2. Sorry about the broken sleep (been there, done that), but so good to hear that you are on the mend. Your sock is so pretty! I'm knitting a sock and a cowl and I just started The Bee Sting.

  3. Oh, that skein is gorgeous! The sock is looking great too!

  4. I love the colors of the stripes in those socks. Sorry about the sleep issues, it's so frustrating.

  5. That handspun is gorgeous! I often wonder what you might knit with your handspun but whatever you use this in will be beautiful. I do hope you can get rid of the cough and get a good night's sleep soon.

  6. Erika7:48 PM

    I love that new skein of yarn that you finished! I have a new Turkish spindle that I hope to start trying out this month. I am listening to one of the Maisie Dobbs books and working on a cardigan.

    1. Oh, I wish I still had Maisie Dobbs books to listen to! I suppose I could always start over and go through the series again, but somehow I doubt they'd be as good when I know what's coming.

  7. I would like to reach into the screen and touch that handspun. It's gorgeous. You are almost ready for the 2023 shipments. Well done.

  8. That skein is indeed gorgeous, Sarah! You are such a prolific spinner! (and I just adore stripey socks!)

  9. Okay. I know I say this every time you're knitting striped socks -- but I LOVE those stripes! (I'm a big fan of muted colors . . . ) And your spinning is just amazing to me! Such beautiful yarn . . . every time! XO

  10. I don't think I've ever seen "heavy laceweight" spun like that - how fun! (and 27!!! yay you!)


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