
Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Brief Hiatus

Tomorrow is moving day! We have Internet access at the house, but it may be a few days until The Mister gets a wireless network set up, so even if I do have the energy after all the cleaning and unpacking, it may be a few days until I'm online for any significant amount of time.

In the meantime, here's a little preview of the new house (The Mister took the picture during the inspection back in April, so there are actually leaves on the trees now):

See you on the flip side!


  1. So did the installers bring your soft bubbles/babbles?

  2. It looks like a lovely house, Sarah!! :)

  3. Anonymous9:55 PM

    I LUV it! How fun it will be to fill your new home and make it your own.

  4. What a fabulous house! I LOVE the brick! And the porch!

  5. What an adorable house! I see spinning on the side porch in summer...

  6. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Nice house. Good luck with the move!

  7. it's fab! how pretty! looks like the perfect place to host knit-togethers (the first criterion for any smart house-shopper).

  8. Anonymous9:41 AM

    what a beautiful house! I've always wanted to live in a brick house! Congratulations.
    (and all the knitting further on down the page is lovely too!)

  9. Good luck with the move - hope everything goes smoothly!

    Also, you'll have to let me know how the mister does without the internet access. My guess is that he'll be itching to set up your network. ;)

  10. woohoo! good luck with the move!

  11. Good luck with the move!
    Looks like a cute house.

  12. Mazel Tov, your house is adorable and totally worth the debt!:)

  13. congrats on the beautiful home - what a gorgeous place! I'm a little envious! :)


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