
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Gettin' There

Last night, I finally got the chance to pull out my knitting and relax for more than a few minutes. I'm making good progress on my February Lady Sweater; I've probably got only another couple of inches of the lace before I start the lower hem of the body.

I'm planning on getting out my wheel again soon, too, especially because I may have made some fiber purchases at a couple online retailers today -- I'm entitled to treat myself to a little housewarming present, right?

We are getting closer to making the house presentable, too. Last night my brother-in-law came over and helped us hang a few pieces of art, and this evening I put out nearly all the trash generated from unpacking. I walked home from work today -- it took me less time than it used to take to drive home -- and it was very pleasant except for the giant blister I got on my right foot. More comfortable shoes are planned for tomorrow.

Also tomorrow: a finished pair of man socks!


  1. "Grown ass woman" still makes me laugh!

  2. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Wow that's really coming along beautifully.

    I was eyeing the fiber at TLE, but I'm holding out for Dyeing Arts duos in a colorway I like to come in before I order again. What did you get?

  3. Your FLS is looking great! Have you picked buttons yet? I've been obsessed looking at buttons.

    I started mine, but am unhappy with the yarn. Will be purchasing a new yarn today. Sigh. Was hoping to use stash yarn.

  4. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Love the color of that sweater; can't wait to see it finished!

    Of course you are entitled to treat yourself to a little house warming gift!

  5. Well of *course* you're entitled to a housewarming present. And a reward for setting up the house so quickly. And an incentive to finish unpacking. And a prize for saving gas since you can walk to work...

  6. It must feel great to be able to walk home from work or take a bus (and know it will be a relatively short ride) instead of driving!

    Glad to hear that everything is coming along well and that you're settling in and getting back to your knitting!


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