
Sunday, January 03, 2021

First Skein of the New Year

My vacation is wrapping up (tomorrow is officially the last day), so it's back to paying attention to what day it is. Fortunately I was happy to learn that it was Sunday because I have a new skein of yarn that is finished and ready to share! You may recall that a week ago I was trying to finish up my HipStrings Base 12 spin. I was hoping to finish all the spinning and plying before the end of 2020, but in the end I settled for just finishing the singles. On New Year's Day, I sat down at my wheel and plied the whole thing, which just fit on my bobbin. Yesterday I skeined it up and washed it, and it sat on the radiator overnight to dry. And now it's officially finished:

January in Pittsburgh is not an ideal time to try to photograph much of anything -- even after editing to brighten these photos, they're still not capturing the shine of all the silk or the depth of color.

I had planned to chain-ply this yarn, and when I was spinning the singles, I thought I was spinning for fingering weight, more or less. I figured I'd end up with yarn that was a bit thick and thin because some of the fiber was a lot more textured, shall we say, than other bits. There was a mix of batts and combed top, and some bags contained a lot of things like sari silk and silk noil, which are very difficult to draft perfectly evenly. I knew that wool was a decent component of each bit, but what I didn't realize (until I opened the envelope containing the fiber key at the very end) was that most of that wool was merino or superfine merino. So the yarn poofed up quite a bit when I washed it, and it's now in the DK to worsted territory.

I am actually rather pleasantly surprised at how even the finished yarn looks in spite of all the differences in fiber content from bag to bag. When I planned spin fingering weight, I figured I'd use the finished skein for a Hitchhiker, but now I'm not so sure (I know I could knit one on larger needles, but at only 327 yards in this skein, I'm not likely to get a very big shawl out of it).

For the curious, here is the card with all the information on the fiber content:

This is almost exactly the order in which I spun the fiber (I did 1-10 and then A and B). When I said there was a lot of silk, I wasn't exaggerating!

This was a fun spin and a good exercise in letting go of a bit of control in spinning, but I'm ready for what's next. I'm not sure yet exactly what that will be, but I can tell you that it will likely have less (or no) silk content.


  1. Congratulations, this is WONDERFUL! I love the colours in this, they go so well together. Good luck an a speedy wheel for this year! :)

  2. Beautiful Sarah! I absolutely want to remember to get that next year, what a fun spin! And it looks just gorgeous! :)

  3. What a terrific first handspun skein of 2021! I love the colors and I bet it feels wonderfully silky, too. Hopefully, there's not enough purple for Rainbow to claim it and you can knit something for yourself.


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