
Thursday, February 25, 2021

Signs of Spring

As someone who runs cold and has a tendency toward seasonal affective disorder, it's fair to say that winter is not my favorite season. I also live in a place where winter can stay past its ending date; we've been known to get snow into the early days of April. But around this time of year, when we're not far from the start of meteorological spring, we start getting some hints that winter is slowly giving up its grip. Yesterday we certainly got a big tease of things to come -- we hit a high temperature north of 60 degrees! It made me think of other ways nature reminds us that winter can't last forever, and because it's Thursday and Carole is hosting us for our weekly link-up, here are three that I've been noticing lately.

1. A change in the light
Have you noticed lately that the days are not only getting longer but the light is better? That's because during the winter, the sun's highest position in the sky is actually lower than it is during the summer. So not only is there less total sunlight during the winter, but the intensity of it is actually reduced. As we get closer to the spring equinox, I am noticing both that I am turning on lights later in the day and that I need them less often during even cloudy days. This does a lot for me, because it's the darkness that I find most depressing during the winter.

2. Morning birdsong
Bonny mentioned earlier this week that she viewed sightings of robins as a harbinger of spring. I haven't stopped seeing robins around me, but I have noticed a definite uptick in the noise from birds in the mornings. Winter days are usually quiet in this respect, aside from the occasional squawk of a Bluejay or Grackle, but in the past week or so, I've been treated to a small chorus of birds greeting the rising sun.

3. Spring flowers are on their way
Yesterday's mini heat wave served to melt a lot of snow and ice, uncovering much of the ground that had been covered for several weeks. While I was out on my daily walk, I was treated to this very welcome sight:

Nature is pretty amazing, isn't it? Despite months of cold and snow and ice, life still finds a way.


  1. Look at those daffodils shooting up!!! Juliann's daffs took me by surprise last week, and yours do, too--I haven't even glimpsed our crocuses yet! I am noticing the light, though. Such beautiful light. It prompted picnic food for dinner in our house this week :)

  2. Hooray for spring bulbs peeking up at you

  3. Oh, yes!!! Send signs of spring my way. we had a warm-up here but still not bulbs poking up out of the ground. I love that it is light later in the evening now.

  4. Not much birdsong or daffodils here yet, but I have noticed the change in light and temps in the 50s were most welcome today!

  5. Oh, the pictures of your daffodil stems are so heartening - thank you! I put the chickens in their coops just as I start to notice the darkness and I did it at 5:53 tonight - much later than usual! I'm looking forward to our big melt and seeing dirt again!

  6. Indeed. Spring will come in spite of everything else.

  7. I remember when I used to visit my daughter in Pittsburgh . . . I was always jealous of your "earlier" spring. It was always a good reminder, though, that my signs of spring would also arrive. Eventually! We've got birdsong. And I've definitely noticed the change in light. But . . . I can't find anything springing from the garden yet. Because still too much snow. But soon, I'm sure!

  8. I really feel the same about this - the birds have started their songs in the morning here as well, and when I heard it last week or so for the first time, I was so relieved. I missed it so much, and have paid close attention to the trees' buds that have started to appear. I totally love autumn, but winter has been a little hard the past years, depite the daylight lamp. (You can also SMELL spring in the air already right?)


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