It's time for one last check-in with my One Little Word for the year. Many thanks to Carolyn for hosting our monthly link-ups and also giving us prompts to think about each month! I probably don't do as much with my word as I could, but I always appreciate the thought exercises.
I've been thinking about how Embrace has shown up not only this month but also over the course of the whole year, and in the past couple of days it's occurred to me that what it's meant generally has had a lot to do with self-acceptance -- specifically, with embracing what my body tells me it needs and accepting what it can or can't do in any given moment. Even as I've pushed myself to do more, I've gotten better at not berating myself if I can't. I know that those of you who are mothers know what I mean with regard to feeling like I should be able to do everything, but I know for a fact that I've gotten better at listening when my body tells me I need to rest or eat more or drink more water. And I've discovered that when I leave things undone, the world does not, in fact, fall apart. Either someone else does those things (if they're essential) or they wait to get done.
A lot of this self-acceptance has been related to my body and my physical activity. Perhaps it's a sign of maturity that I am finding it easier to accept that my body will never look quite like I want it to and that I may never be able to do some physical things. And that's okay! I have really embraced running this year and have pushed myself to do more of it because I know how good it is for me, physically and in terms of reducing stress. But I've embraced the occasional setbacks when they come: when I've just donated blood and need to take it easy, when I was coming back from COVID and had to build up my strength again, and when I go out for a run and just feel like I need to take it easy. I have definitely noticed a shift in my thinking related to exercise this year, and while I still feel like I need to move my body every day, the focus is my long-term health, and any movement is better than no movement at all. And sometimes my body surprises me by being capable of more than I expected, like it was on Friday, when I achieved this:
This was the start of my run, when I usually manage to run my longest stretch, and this was by far the greatest distance I've achieved this year without having to stop and catch my breath. I don't know when or if I'll match it, but it felt like a great cap on the end of the year!
I've been thinking about possibilities for next year's OLW, but none has made itself obvious as my word just yet, so that will be a task for the rest of the week. Thanks for coming along on my Embrace journey with me this year!
Embracing our aging bodies is a great step toward contentment and it seems you are making a good start!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your well-earned knowledge! It really does sound like you've learned a lot about yourself with Embrace, and all of it sounds positive. Moving your body will serve you well as you age, along with knowing how to listen to it when it tells you that you need to rest. And your blood donations are a big deal! I'm going to look into the closest donation center and see if that is something I can do in 2024. I'll look forward to seeing what your new word is when it suggests itself to you!
ReplyDeleteIt's clear that Embrace was a great choice for your word and I'm really happy that you used it for your own self acceptance. I hope next year's word makes itself known to you, I believe it will in it's own due time.
ReplyDeleteSounds to me like in Embracing you’ve found real cause to celebrate your body, your capacity, not only its limits but its possibilities (congrats on that run time!!). What a valuable mindset for aging. (And ‘listening’. Lots of listening here!) Enjoy the ‘time between words’ this week as the possibilities filter in & out.
ReplyDeleteI have learned so much through your year of embrace, Sarah! I am so glad you did too! (and I remember those busy mom days very well... we used to joke that if you needed something done just ask a busy mom... sad, but true.) You learning this now might be the best thing ever for you... now and in the future! And GO YOU on that run win! I say bravo to you!! XO
ReplyDeleteOh my Respect to you lady. You have embraced brilliantly. None of us are supermum..she's a myth with a staff of 30 helpers. Good enough parenting was always my objective.. I didn't always manage it, but I turned out three decent people. As for embracing your's for living in ! Enjoy it,and thanks for your posts. X
ReplyDeleteThat "supermum" ideal is so hard not to strive for, even though I know it's a myth. I really need to focus on the fact that my kid is clothed and fed and feels loved, and everything else is just a bonus.
DeleteWhat wonderful lessons from "embrace," Sarah! It seems to have been are really meaningful word for you -- and those are the best kinds of words! XO
ReplyDeleteIt's been such a joy to follow your journey this year - and you know ALL your running is pure vicarious enjoyment for me, too! I'm so glad you've embraced it in ways that should allow you to keep doing it for many more years!
ReplyDeleteI've enjoyed following your post on Embrace. Your honestly with and about yourself is an inspiration. I imagine Embrace will stay with you for a long time to come.