
Thursday, April 09, 2020

Three New Projects

It's Thursday, so I'm linking up with Carole and friends to talk about three things. This week for me, it's three new projects that have been started this week.

First up, the new blanket for Rainbow, which I'm using for my entry for the 100 Day Project:

I probably have enough yarn to do another round or two in this color before joining the first skein of Felici. Rainbow and I are both happy with my progress.

I only worked on the blanket for a short time last night because I really needed to cast on a new project in the form of a baby gift. A dear friend is due to give birth to her first child in the next week (or, really, anytime), and though I've been planning to knit her a gift, I've been putting it off. There really isn't much time left, so last night I finally cast on a Baby Vertebrae using some Fibernymph Dye Works Bounce from stash (the colorway is called That's Not Even a Word! and is inspired by the colors of the Scrabble game board).

I plan to make a matching hat to go with the sweater, much like I did the last time I knit this pattern.

I also started a new spinning project this week, and thanks to a relatively quiet start to the week at work, I've already completed two bobbins of singles and am about halfway through the third. I'd hoped to be able to finish that bobbin yesterday and ply today, but then I got sent a rather large document to work on, so it'll have to wait for evening and weekend spinning.

I am still reading, a little, and have about two hours left in the audiobook of Anne of Green Gables plus maybe a couple hundred pages of In an Instant (but I've only been reading that for a few minutes each day). It's a quick read, so I can likely plow through the rest if I find some dedicated reading time. I've also got my bingo card -- or at least my first one! -- printed out and ready to go!

The other way I've been spending my free time, often by working through lunch and taking my lunch break at the end of the day, is exercising. I've tried to get outside every day, weather permitting, and I've been alternating between running and taking long walks. When I set the goal of running the total number of miles in a marathon this month, I thought it was a pretty lofty goal, but apparently I like to overachieve. As of yesterday, only eight days into the month, I'd already run 16.5 miles. So I think it's fair to say this is one goal I should have no problem achieving. I can't say I'm really enjoying running yet, but it's done good things for my anxiety level and I know it's important to staying healthy right now.

Last night was the start of Passover, and like many other Jewish families in the world right now, we held our seder via Zoom.

My mother was kind enough to do all her regular cooking and pack care packages so that all the local attendees had food for dinner and haggadahs to follow along in the service. We got out our seder and matzah plates, both of which were wedding presents and have only been used once before. While it was sad not to be with all our loved ones, I am so thankful that technology has enabled us to continue our traditions together, albeit socially distanced.


  1. You must be a fast knitter! I am loving that new spinning color. And I am happy you were able to gather with family around the table.

  2. I bet Rainbow is watching your progress with delighted anticipation, and I love the Scrabble colors in that FDN yarn. Chag Pesach Sameach!

  3. Oh! That is a cute baby sweater! And, I love the image of your "together but distant" seder dinner!

  4. So many good things here! I love that you guys Zoomed your first night of Passover(and your Mom sounds incredible...). And what a beautiful, perfect baby gift that will be. Such an important time to be wrapped & held, both the new baby & the parents, in so many ways. Congrats on that running progress, too, BTW! I'd be celebrating that one, for sure. :)

    1. My mother is very much the typical Jewish mother -- always makes more food than anyone can eat and always pushes it on us! I would have told her not to worry about it (because she's also working from home and is extremely busy right now), but by the time we discussed it, she'd already made almost everything!

  5. Happy Pesach!! I am so glad that you can be together, even if it is only virtually this year. (A friend of mine who lives in Israel had the same thing over ... skype, I think, with her grandmother and aunt).

    The blanket looks beautiful - and I love the beginning of the cardigan! Vertebrae is such a cute pattern, and the colours look great! (Also, YAY for spinning!!)

    1. Thank you! It was definitely a comfort to still celebrate, even though it wasn't our usual tradition to do it virtually.

  6. Happy Passover! I'm glad to see that you were still able to participate, even if not the way you usually do.

    Your projects are lovely. I can't wait to see that Baby Vertebrae. I knit one for my third baby and she practically lived in it and her diaper the first couple of months. They're perfect for skin to skin and lots of nursing. I'm sure your friend will love it!

    1. The sweater is knitting up super cute! I wish I'd had one for my kiddo when she was a newborn (but I'm not sure the pattern existed yet). The recipient of this one is knitter, too, so I know it'll be appreciated!

  7. I am so happy you were able to enjoy the Seder tradition with your family! While Zoom is not perfect . . . it is offering a wonderful way to keep us all connected these days! I love your projects, Sarah, and will look forward to watching them unfold in the days ahead. XO

  8. I am happy you were able to enjoy the Seder with your family. I also love the tradition of using special plates. Zoom and FaceTime are life savers during this time.


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