
Thursday, September 23, 2021

Three Reasons for Excitement

It's Friday-eve, so I'm linking up with Carole and friends for Three on Thursday, this week with three things that I'm excited about right now!

1. Fall weather has arrived! We had a front move through yesterday that brought rain (and even, at one point, a tornado watch), and it left some decidedly cooler weather in its wake. Right now it's 57 F (that's about 14 C), and that looks to be the highest we'll get today. It will warm up a little in the next couple of days, but not a whole lot, and I am excited to get out my lighter sweaters and hand-knit socks!

2. Tonight is Curriculum Night at Rainbow's school. You might know this as parent/teacher night or back to school night; basically it's the evening at the beginning of the school year when the parents go to meet their child's teachers and hear about what they'll be covering in class that year. I'm really excited to go because I only know one of her teachers this year (and it's because she used to babysit me when I was about Rainbow's age and the teacher was in grad school). We also haven't been able to go in for this kind of thing since fall 2019, when she was still in the elementary school building, so things are bound to be different!

3. This weekend is the Great Race. It's a local event that the Mister and I have been doing together for years (we do the 5K), although in past years I've run it and I'm planning to walk this year. Last year it wasn't held at all, though you could still sign up and do it virtually (i.e., run on your own and submit your time online), which we did, though it certainly didn't have the same feel to it. One of the things I love best about this race is that you get views of the city you'd never otherwise get on foot. It would have been nice to run it, but I'm not going to push myself because I haven't been training and am not sure how my hip would take it, but since I've been regularly walking 5+ miles a day, I figure I can put on the gas a bit for a measly 3.1 miles.

I hope you have some things to be excited about this weekend, and I'll catch you back here on Sunday!


  1. This weather... what a joy! Good luck this weekend in that race!

  2. It's 80 degrees and humid here, but we're in the middle of some wicked thunderstorms. It's good to know that cooler weather has reached you and will be on our way farther east soon!

    Back to School Night brings back lots of memories. I'm mostly glad I don't have to attend any more, but hope you have an enjoyable and educational evening!

  3. Lucky you with that weather! It's in the 70s here, but so muggy right now. I'm hoping that it will clear up after tomorrow night. So no light sweaters (or cardigans) here yet... I work shorts and a t-shirt today!

    Enjoy your school night AND your race!! And how funny that one of Rainbow's teachers was your baby-sitter, ha! It makes it seem like Pittsburgh is a small town, doesn't it??!

    (On the other hand, about half of my teachers in Elementary School, Jr. High, and High School also taught my mom... but that's because there is a less than 17 year age difference between my mom and me!!!)

  4. I'm hoping that type of weather lands here soon, right now it's muggy and humid and rainy. Enjoy your race this weekend!

  5. We got that same cold front! Yesterday was COLD . . . but today is just the perfect kind of fall weather. I hope you enjoyed Curriculum Night -- and enjoy the Great Race! (My daughter used to run that when she lived in Pittsburgh.) :-)

  6. The change of temperatures for me has been wonderful and hopeful that is soon will be cool enough again for sweaters and knitting on the patio.

  7. Fall weather sounds divine. We had a few days and are now back to summer. Soon I hope fall arrives to stay. I hope Curriculum Night was a success.


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