
Friday, April 14, 2023

WIP Wrangling

Does anyone else feel like this week has stretched on forever? Maybe it's the heat (we've had highs in the 80s F for several days), but I have felt like Friday has been due for a while. Thankfully, it's finally here, and we have a quiet weekend ahead of us. Still, I have a to-do list today, and I'm keen to get on with it, so without further ado, here is the current state of my WIPs:


My focus was on my design sample for several days, but now that it's done, I'm feeling a bit unexcited by my other projects. I've been dabbling a bit on them but not made any significant progress, and that's really frustrating, so I think I'm going to have to start concentrating on one at a time until it's finished. My Love Note is the obvious choice, as it's in need of just a sleeve and a half. The project in the blue sheep back (which I'm hiding because it's essentially a lightweight version of my most recent design) is also close to completion. That first ankle sock just needs a toe, and a second would be pretty fast to knock out. That just leaves my Birch Pullover, which we all know is going to take a while anyway. Not shown in this photo is my current spinning project:

This is all the fiber left to be spun into singles, maybe two yards of combed top or approximately a quarter of what I started with. As I'm spinning my default singles, I don't really need to pay much attention to what my hands are doing while I spin, so it's a good activity to do while reading or watching something.

Today's plans include baking challah for Friday night dinner at my parents', and tonight Rainbow is going to her very first middle school dance (just with friends -- thankfully we aren't at the date stage just yet). The weekend's forecast has rain and scattered thunderstorms in it, so I am going to use that as a good excuse to focus on making progress on one or more of these WIPs. I'm hoping I have something to share with you on Monday.

Have a great weekend, friends!


  1. I am so excited to see your new design! And I am not complaining about the rain... we need it! Have a great weekend!

  2. This is the time of year where my knitting/fiber-y projects take a little . . . hiatus. I still knit every day, but . . . not as much as in the cold months. I hope you have a lovely, restful weekend, Sarah.

  3. Sounds like you have lots of good choices to keep you busy this weekend.

    Hope Rainbow has a wonderful time at the dance.

  4. I can relate to the WIP wrangling. Sometimes I just need to finish something - anything. I hope the weekend is quiet with time to work on your projects. I hope Rainbow has fun at her first dance. I remember when Kate went out the door that first time.

  5. I'm sure your challah was delicious and I hope Rainbow had a fun time at the dance!

  6. I love challah bread! Your spinning looks fabulous, I love the colours
