
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A Near Miss

Yesterday was Monday, which meant a new clue of the Through the Loops Mystery Shawl. I've been trying to stay on top of the clues as much as possible and have managed to do the first two clues within a day or so of them being released. Yesterday was a bit busy, though, so I didn't get to pick up my shawl until the evening. I was happily knitting away when I saw it: a dropped stitch in the previous clue's knitting.

Friends, let me tell you just how lucky I was with this dropped stitch. First of all, despite the fact that I'm using a wool/silk singles yarn, it had somehow not gone anywhere. Second, I seem to not have gotten off on the pattern despite being a stitch short. Third, it happened in a spot just below are area of several decreases, so I was able to ladder it up a couple of rows and then pull it to the wrong side, where I've secured it with a locking stitch marker. I briefly thought about ripping back but decided that since everything was on track, I'd just carry on. Eventually I will take a scrap of yarn, run it through that stitch, and weave in the ends to secure it.

I hope to be able to finish up Clue 3 today, provided work cooperates and doesn't keep me too busy.

My other projects are progressing but don't look too much different from the last time you saw them, so I'll wait to share photos. But I am happy to report that I finally have my first bingo -- two, actually!

Over the weekend I finished Picnic at Hanging Rock to fill in my "Historical fiction" box and achieve both a vertical and a diagonal bingo. It was just an okay read; I didn't really love it, but I didn't hate it either. I tend to not particularly like stories that don't really wrap up in the end, and that's precisely what happens in this book. It was a pretty quick read, though, at less than 200 pages, so I don't feel like I spent too much time to get that square filled.

I now have three books in progress: How to Be an Antiracist, which I'm just a little less than halfway through; Such a Fun Age, which I started over the weekend; and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall via Craftlit. Yesterday evening I got to join a Zoom session to discuss How to Be an Antiracist as part of my synagogue's newly started social justice book club. I'm delighted that it drew a pretty good sized group of people and look forward to seeing where the club takes us. I'm a quarter of the way through Such a Fun Age and it seems like I'll be able to finish it up this week. Tenant might actually take a while, as Heather typically only includes a chapter or two per podcast episode, so I may borrow the audiobook from the library (I checked and it's available with no wait!) in order to finish it in time to put it on my bingo card. I'd really like to get a cover-all on this card!


  1. It sounds like you dropped that stitch in the best place possible! Congratulations on the bingos. I really like the idea of discussing How to Be an Antiracist. I think this would have helped me get more out of it, but I do plan on re-reading.

  2. Doesn't it make you happy to have rounded up that dropped stitch? The shawl looks very pretty by the way. I am also listening to The Tenant of Wildfell Hall on CraftLit. I read it several summers ago but get much more from any book that Heather discusses.

  3. Good catch with that stitch!

    And congrats on the Bingos!!

  4. Good catch on that stitch indeed! And happy reading (you have some good books in the works!)

  5. So glad you're mystery knitting issue worked out so neatly! And someday soon, I should get my bingo card out and see how I'm doing. (I don't plan my books based on my card . . . I just see how things fall as I read . . . ) I'm about half-way through Antiracist myself. I think it would be a great one to discuss as part of a group.

  6. whew! and whoa! I have a "fun story" to share on Sunday about my start with clue 2, but so far clue 3 has been smooth (and yikes, I hope I'm not jinxing myself ;-) ALSO, I colored in my card and I have bingos too ... tomorrow I'll share (you're still ahead of me. no worries ;-) )

  7. I just printed my PDF of How to be an Antiracist, because I knew I would need to mark it up (and I don't like to read on a screen--but it was the only available 'copy' I could find!). And I'm 3/4 through Such a Fun Age...I'm finding it a fast, good read.

  8. KUDOS for still being accurate in the pattern despite the stitch (I'm glad you found it just like that). I have to admit that I'm ready to start the leventry border, but forgot to incrase four stitches somewhere and I am ... simply increasing them in the first row of the ribbing, I think. The four stitches seem to have been forgotten somewhere down below, and I am not ripping back half a shawl.

    How is "How to be an Antiracist so far" - is it a "hard" read, emotionally speaking? (It's so great that you got together and formed a social justice book club, that is super cool)


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