
Thursday, May 27, 2021

Three Random and Unrelated Things

It feels like the week should be over already, so it's a good thing that Carole hosts a Three on Thursday link-up because I can't seem to come up with anything coherent today. Instead, you're going to get three random things that have only me/my life as their common element.

1. I am sorry to say that my hip was not cooperative when I went for a run the other day.
I managed about 2 miles altogether (I did short spurts of running with walking in between), and two days later my hip is still giving me trouble, so I'm going to stick with walking for the time being. That means I need to replace that 5K run item on my 21 in 2021 list. I am thinking that some sort of virtual walking challenge would be a good replacement. I know that Juliann has been doing the Land's End to John O'Groats walking challenge -- a total of 1,083 miles -- and while I'm not planning to sign up to officially do it, I do like that number, not to mention that it's nice to imagine walking the length of the UK at a time when I haven't traveled farther than a few zip codes. I've been using an app that tracks my walking distance, so I totaled up how much I've walked so far this year, and I'm already to almost 620 miles, not counting this week's walks. I thought about trying to walk the equivalent of the length of the Appalachian Trail, but that seemed a bit high at almost 2,200 miles (I'm trying to challenge myself, but I do have only so many hours in the day). Suggestions are welcome!

2. I'm in need of some plant advice.
Our landscapers were here this morning to cut the grass, right around the time the Mister was arriving home after dropping Rainbow off at school. I have long hated these holly "bushes" on either side of our front steps, so he asked the landscapers their opinion. The bottom line is that they're finally going. But now we need to decide what to plant in their place. Ideally I would like something that stays green and looks (relatively) alive year-round. Our house faces east and gets a lot of morning sun. I can't tell you anything about soil conditions or zones -- I'm really clueless! So those of you who are good with plants, do you have any ideas?

3. It's a long holiday weekend!
This weekend is Memorial Day Weekend in the United States, the official start to the summer season, and that means that everything is closed on Monday. As as added bonus, we got an email from our office personnel director yesterday that our office will be "closing" at noon tomorrow. Of course, that just means that I'll be able to log out of my email at noon but otherwise carry on as per usual, but I'll take it! We're unfortunately expecting a cool and rainy weekend here, so no pool parties for us, but I will be more than happy with extra time to knit and read. Whatever your plans are for the weekend, whether or not it's a holiday weekend for you, I hope you enjoy them!


  1. Sorry about your hip. My daughters were doing an Oregon Trail virtual challenge. You do have quite a few miles already this year!
    I bet there are others who have good ideas about the plantings by your steps. Something ever green that can be kept low would be good. I know that some people cut the taproot when they plant a shrub so it won’t grow quite so tall.

  2. Arborvitae might work, as I don't think it ever needs pruning, gets ~30" tall, and is hardy in your zone (6B). Sunkist arborvitae have gold leaf tips, but they get ~10 ft. tall. Maybe rhododendron if you wanted something blooming? I think there are some dwarf versions that only get ~4 ft. tall. Viburnum looks nice when it flowers and the foliage turns red in the fall. Good luck whatever you end up planting, and I hope you have a pain-free and enjoyable weekend!

  3. I don't have any good landscaping advice. I am sorry your hip is not cooperating with running. Pain and discomfort are no fun. Enjoy your weekend whatever it brings.

  4. I like Bonny's suggestions! Although, it's sort of hit or miss with Arborvitae... we have some that are doing well, others don't last a year (which is frustrating if you want them all the same size, lol) I did not know about walking the length of Great Britain... what fun!

  5. So sorry about your hip pain. I used to run (decades ago) but gave it up for leg pain (plus I seemed to gain weight!!). With all the miles you have already put in this year the AT may be manageable for you! We have a friend who has over the years hiked the entire AT with a group of friends. Each summer they would do a different section. I thought of the Long Trail in Vermont (which I grew up hiking and backpacking on), but it is fewer miles than you have already walked this year! Sorry no plant suggestions for you. And love your sweater progress (I'm trying to catch up on blog reading).

  6. I think joining in with Juliann's Britain walk sounds like a great plan ... or maybe try the AT and give yourself time next year, too? (of course I have zero advice about the plants and look forward to seeing what you end up with!)


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