
Sunday, August 22, 2021

Getting Closer to a Sweater

I know many of you are anxious to see me start knitting my handspun Shifty -- I'm pretty anxious to start it myself! But after all the work I did spinning the yarn, I'm not about to take any shortcuts, which means that some serious swatching has to come first. And before I could get to that point, I needed to get my yarn from twisted hank to "cake" form, so that is how I spent some of my afternoon. All six skeins are now wound and ready to go.

I'm also determined to get one more skein of handspun done by the end of the month, and as I haven't crossed any skeins off my Southern Cross Fibre club backlog list for a while (only two of the six sweater skeins were from before this year), I thought I'd spin not one but two bags of fiber. I had received a second bag of August 2018's shipment, Yesterday's Love on New Zealand Merino, and I thought it would be perfect for spinning an alternating chain-ply yarn. I'm spinning each bag of fiber onto its own bobbin first and am maybe between halfway and two-thirds of the way done with the first bobbin.

I'm sure most of you are mystified by what I mean by an alternating chain-ply, even those of you who spin! The truth is that I don't even know if that's the actual name for it or even if the method has a name. What I mean by it is that I'm going to create a faux four-ply yarn. I will have two bobbins of singles and start out as if I were chain-plying (essentially creating a long crochet chain and twisting it), but instead of just the one single, I'll be holding the other single alongside the loop. On top of that, when it's time to form a new loop, I'll alternate which bobbin I pull from. I am spinning the fiber from one end of the top to the other, and I checked to make sure that the colors did not line up in the two batches of fiber I have, so the colors -- pink, red, and deep purple -- should end up pretty well distributed. I am thinking that I will get something like a sport- or DK-weight yarn when all it's plied, though seeing as it's Merino, it could poof up in the finishing. I am not spinning this for a particular project, though, so however it ends up is fine by me. Here's hoping I can finish it in time -- it should give me a lot of meters for Stash Dash!


  1. Your Shifty handspun looks even more impressive in cake form, and I love the colors in Yesterday's Love!

  2. Okay... I can picture your alternating chain ply method... but my mind is blown completely! It sounds amazing... and hard... and requiring extreme coordination! I can't wait to see what your yarn looks like!

  3. I have no idea what you're talking about, but it sounds impressive all the same! :-)
    I love all the careful thought you're putting into your Shifty, and I'll be eager to follow along to see how it unfolds. I've always been interested in that pattern.

  4. The cakes look fantastic - I can totally understand that you want to swatch extensively though! I hope that your original colour sequence works out and that you're satisfied quickly with what you get!
    The new yarn looks beautiful. I'm not sure I understood it all (I haven't tried chain-ply so far, but then, I haven't tried most stuff when it comes to spinning), but it sounds as if it might be a yarn with quite a bit of bounce?

  5. Not only does your spinning amaze me, Sarah, but your time management! I'd need Rumpelstiltsken to accomplish what you do!

  6. Your cakes are gorgeous! And, like Kym, I have no idea what you are talking about LOL. Rather than spinning yarn, this is making my head spin - hahaha

  7. I can't wait to see your swatch(es?) for Shifty ... and maybe by then the spinning talk which sounds like ...gobbledygook! ... will make more sense!

  8. The yarn cakes look beautiful. May your gauge swatches do exactly what you want to do. I sort of understand what you wrote about the spinning project but it sounds like it requires lots of expertise and fine motor coordination. Keep us posted.

  9. I also have no idea what you're talking about but your pictures are gorgeous!!

    (I'm planning to swatch this week. I've decided.)


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