
Thursday, August 26, 2021

Random Good Thoughts

It's been a long week, yesterday especially, but there have been some good moments, so today's post is a random collection of those.

Yesterday started with a dentist appointment for me. I knew I'd be doing a lot of walking back and forth yesterday and that it was going to be warm, so I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt -- specifically this t-shirt:

I bought this on my first visit to the New York Sheep and Wool festival, and although it's now a bit big on me, it's one of my favorites. As my hygienist was taking me back to the exam room, the other one was hanging out in the hallway, and as I passed him and he saw my shirt, he asked, "Is that Rhinebeck?" It turns out that his sister-in-law is a big knitter and talks about her trips to Rhinebeck a lot, enough that a non-fiber person knew about it!

Remember the sock photo I shared yesterday? Here it is again, in case you need a reminder:

These were originally intended to be for my sister-in-law for Christmas this year. But last night I remembered that her birthday is a week from Monday, and as the first sock is nearly finished, it would be entirely reasonable to try to finish the pair as a birthday present. The first sock was cast on more than a month ago, but I really haven't given it that much attention and that's why it's taken so long to finish. If pressed, I can knit an entire socks in a short period of time. I figure I'll give it my best shot (without stressing myself too much), and if they're not done by her birthday, then I'll go with the original plan.

Yesterday when I posted my reading update, I totally forgot to mention that All the Devils Are Here was the 100th book I've read this year! And I finished another (short) book yesterday, taking me to 101 so far. That matches the total number I read in all of last year, so that means that this year is officially going to be my best year of reading (at least in terms of the total number of books read) since I started keeping track of my reading on Goodreads. That's absolutely astounding to me, but at the same time, it's also not entirely surprising: One of the real boons of this pandemic has been both more time to read and better connections with reading friends, both of which have exploded my lists of books read and to be read.

I hope that your week has had at least a few random good things! See you back here on Sunday with a spinning update!


  1. 101 books!!!! And you've got MONTHS yet to go before the end of the year. This will be quite a record-breaking reading year for you, Sarah! :-) And, barring any unforeseen issues, I have every confidence your sister-in-law will be receiving a pair of beautiful socks for her birthday!

  2. Bravo to you on 101 books! I am nodding at Kym's comments on this being a banner reading year for you! I hope you have a good audiobook to keep you company as you knit those socks for you S-i-L!!

  3. I'm continually amazed at how much reading, spinning, and knitting you get done, all while working a full-time job and being a mother. Go, you! I hope your SiL has a new pair of socks for her birthday and you continue your great reading year!

  4. oh I'm sure that pair of socks is totally do-able for a birthday gift next week ;-) and woot! for all the reading (especially when you have a day job ... and a family)

  5. I love the shirt, I have been there twice many years ago and it was incredible. I am not reading like I used to, my mind can't settle down. Congrats on 101 books!

  6. I think it's always cool when you meet a random person who is more into the whole fibre crafts thing than just being able to tell knitting from crocheting. (I really wish I could go to a fibre festival again, MAYBE I can even go to Rhinebeck one day!!!)

    The sock looks fantastic!! I totally believe that you will be able to pull this off, but my fingers are crossed nevertheless!!

  7. All good things and wow on the number of books read! I know my reading is way up this year, but last year I was in a slump of sorts. Still, 101 books is quite impressive. Go you!!

  8. The sock looks great. I like your approach of trying to finish the pair for her birthday and if not - then for the winter holidays. It is fun to unexpectedly bump into someone who enjoys fiber crafts.


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