
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Little Circles

Good morning, blog friends! I am still recovering from the weekend, even though it's Tuesday. We officially moved Rainbow upstairs into her new bedroom, and that involved some pretty physical labor -- my upper arms are still sore from moving her dresser! It's a bit strange to not have her just across the hall, but it's also nice not to have to tiptoe around when I get up for work.

Speaking of work, I am thinking of this week as my last week of freedom, because unless a major change is announced in our staff meeting tomorrow, I will begin to go back to the office two days a week (it'll be Tuesdays and Wednesdays for me) starting next week. I know that this is not entirely a bad situation, but personally I think it's ill advised given that COVID numbers are rising again. We'll see what happens.

Since finishing that last skein of handspun, I have turned back to the knitting I have on the needles and, not surprisingly, have made some good progress (isn't it amazing how progress gets made quickly when you actually work on something?). The theme of my WIPs seems to be small circumferences in self-striping yarn.

I got several inches of the sock done over the weekend, and though I haven't measured it, I'm guessing I'm getting close to the toe (these socks are for my sister-in-law, and she has the smallest feet among the adults in the family). I also finished the body of the baby-sized Flax Light just before bed last night and only need to weave in the end before I start the sleeves. I'll be winding off some yarn to make sure that the striping sequence is uninterrupted in the sleeves -- fussy but worth it, even if the baby won't know the difference.

Wondering what that cute thing is off to the side of the sweater?

That is one of several adorable progress keepers I have from Charmed and Dangerous. I started following Noelle on Instagram a while back after a friend posted some of her creations and just love what she makes. If you like her work, I recommend following her to see when she's going to put stuff in her shop -- it goes fast!

On today's to-do list is to finish emptying out an old IKEA dresser that's in the closet of Rainbow's former room (henceforth the combination guest room/stash room) so it can be put out with the trash tonight. It was one of two I had in my apartment after grad school and has been moved twice, so needless to say, it's falling apart now and has more than outlived its usefulness. There are a few other items to be removed from that closet and then I can begin moving the bins of stash into it. I will feel so much better when things are put away! (I know the Mister will as well, as I'm using his home office as a temporary holding space as well!)

I know Kat is taking the week off from her blog and will not be hosting a link-up tomorrow, but I will still be posting my regular Unraveled post tomorrow. Another item on today's to-do list is finishing a book, which would give me four finishes to talk about!


  1. I love the energy gleaned from changing up a space! I hope it's been a fun boost for all three of you! (As well as a good workout. There IS that.)
    Given the new mandates in our district this week, I won't be surprised if we see some more scale backs nationwide this fall... Meanwhile, though, I'll be curious how the 2 days/week sits with you, how it all feels. If not for the circumstances, I wonder how it would reflect Balance... ("If not for the circumstances" being some famous last words of the past many, many months...Gah.)

  2. That baby flax is just perfect and now I want to knit sweaters for our little boys. I really need to get a removal truck scheduled so I can get our extra room emptied out. I am inspired.

  3. You made lots of good progress over the weekend, and I'm glad you and Rainbow are getting moved and settled into your new spaces. I'm glad your arms aren't too sore to knit; both of those projects are lovely (and I love that you're taking care with the sleeves on the baby sweater). I'll be surprised if you actually go back to the office now. With the increase in cases even among vaccinated individuals, now does not seem like a prudent time!

  4. Both projects are wonderful. I often wind off yarn to keep a striped sequence intact. And yes, I never cease to be amazed how focusing on a project means progress. I bet it will feel great to finish all your reorganizing and rearranging. I hope Rainbow likes her new room.

  5. What a sweet little baby sweater! (I get particular about matching up sleeve stripes, too.) And I love the sock striping -- such an great (and unexpected) color combination. You (and Rainbow!) must feel great about getting her all moved into her new space. It's such a great feeling to make chagnes and settle back in. :-)

  6. Oh, I'm so sorry that you have to go back to work. What a bummer! Hopefully it's a good transition for you.

    That Flax Light is adorable!

  7. This is all so cute!!! The stitch marker, the Flax, the socks ... I really love the colour fest that's going on here. The baby is gonna love it! I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you ... the numbers are rising here again (hey we just hit 120.4 today but ANYWAY there is a big election coming up so the government won't do anything about it because that would be unpopular! Yaay!) Do you already know when you will be eligible for your third shot?


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