
Sunday, August 15, 2021

Is This the Little Skein I Carried?

Friends, my spinning for my handspun Shifty is done! I finished plying the last skein on Thursday and washed it on Friday. And it's a beauty, if I do say so myself (Rainbow thinks so as well). This is Sunrise, Sunset from Southern Cross Fibre:

After drying, I have approximately 343 yards in this skein. The fiber base was South African Superfine, which shrunk up quite a bit but is also very elastic. Still, it's plenty for my purposes, even given that there are probably some sections of the skein that don't have enough contrast because they're a little too dark blue. There's enough with that beautiful rusty orange and pale blue.

And here's the real money shot -- all of the skeins together, in the order I plan to use them top to bottom:

In all, I have a total of approximately 2,323 yards of yarn here. If that number isn't impressive enough, consider that it represents nearly 7,000 yards of singles spun. I am extremely pleased with how this project turned out, and as soon as we finish the big bedroom switcheroo and I can get my stash and supplies settled in their new place, I will swatch for my sweater!

By the way, I hope you forgive me for the earworm the title of this post may have given you. If it didn't then I offer you this:


  1. It's beautiful! And thank you for the instant ear worm 😂

  2. It is absolutely stunning, all of it. Well done.

  3. As soon as I saw that name, the song started playing in my head! This is going to be a beauty.

  4. Oh goodness. That is gorgeous! Your Shifty is going to be so beautiful. I think you've convinced me to swatch as well, but of course my J&S will not be as beautiful as what you've got there!!

    (I am not at all familiar with this song and I refuse to watch that video :p)

  5. That skein is perfectly named and it's beautiful! Like Katie, I'm not watching the video to try and avoid a long-lived earworm, but thank you for the title explanation. I was too busy admiring the skein to think much beyond its beauty!

  6. Okay... first can I confess my shock that Katie does not know Sunrise Sunset!! How on earth!

    That aside, I think your Shifty is going to be gorgeous Sarah. I love that Money Shot!

  7. Your Shifty is going to be a most satisfying knit! I can't wait to see it unfold. :-) My Erin was a musical theater kid, and in her freshman year of high school she was in Fiddler On the Roof. For YEARS afterward, Sunrise Sunset played on (and on) in a loop in my head. It doesn't take much to get it back . . . so thanks for that! ;-)

  8. OOh this sweater is going to be beautiful. Just recently I pulled up the soundtrack to Fiddler on the Roof and listened to it. I do love the old Broadway show tunes.

  9. I'm so excited to see how your yarn knits up ... I love every skein on its own, and I can only imagine the combination is going to be stunning. When do we start?

  10. Congratulations!!! The skein came out so beautiful, and the whole project is gonna look gorgeous (just out of interest - will you wind all of your skeins into cakes at the same time, or will you do it two by two?)


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