
Sunday, March 21, 2021

Spinning as Therapy

Thank you all for your words of commiseration and encouragement on my last post. With everything going on in the world and the country, and having not slept very well all week, that work meeting was just what pushed me over the edge and into the dumps as far as my mood was concerned. But luckily Friday turned out to be a less-crazy day, and I was able to get more than eight hours of sleep Friday night (I actually slept in until almost 8 Saturday morning!), so things look a little less dire now. I'm still terribly upset that some of my coworkers lost their jobs without warning, but I know that that's something that's happened to many people, especially over the last year. And for as bad as I've been feeling, I'm sure they're feeling worse, so it's better if I spend my time focusing on doing things that will make conditions better for someone else. Like knitting on charity items, for instance, or helping out at the food drive we had at my synagogue today to benefit a local shelter/soup kitchen/food pantry (we collected 50+ boxes of food!).

Knowing my mental health history, it was also important for me to take some time for myself, because I'm no good to anyone if I allow myself to sink into a hole. Here's where spinning comes in -- as it has been throughout the pandemic, I am finding it to be extremely therapeutic and relaxing. So over the last two days, I have focused on slowly and methodically spinning fine Rambouillet singles, and I've finished the first of the three bobbins.

I know it's hard to tell how fine the singles are from this distance. This might help give you a sense of scale (the coin is a U.S. dime, which measures about 0.6 in./1.5 cm):

As eager as I am to see how the finished yarn looks, I am also so enjoying this process. The fiber really wants to be spun fine, to the point that I might end up with laceweight before washing. And that's okay. This is an instance where it's more about the process than the product.

And now, friends, I'm going to go for a walk, because there is not a cloud in the sky and it's 62F outside. That's warmer than average and I'm not going to miss it!


  1. I'm glad you are self-aware and able to recognize your moods, your mind, and what you need to cope. That goes a long way towards trying to keep on an even keel. Your spinning looks just lovely, and enjoy your warm walks this week.

  2. I'm also glad that you know yourself well enough to know what you need - and to take the time to take care of yourself. And I'm so happy that you have your spinning to bring you well (ahem) some balance and a more sure footing in troublesome times. I'm sending you all the good juju. XO

  3. I'm another one who is glad you know yourself that well (so many don't!!). Yesterday was gorgeous here in Eastern PA and I got out for a lovely 3+ mile walk. Hoping for more today. Beautiful spinning - such a deep, rich color.

  4. Yesterday was such a lovely day! I am so glad you spent time caring for yourself this weekend! It is something that many women struggle with. (and that fiber is gorgeous!)

  5. Hi there! Just want to say I'm thinking of you. Glad to hear you're getting your feet (+ pillow) under you. March sure seems to have come in like a lion... Spinning, walking, + rest sound like such wise moves. Keep taking good care--C.

  6. I'm so glad you recognized the need - and were able to take appropriate steps to ensure your own good health (also, glad that fiber/spinning now makes me think of poppies!)

  7. I'm glad you have spinning to help keep you grounded - it seems like such a meditative practice and so good for your soul. I'll be thinking of you this week!


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